On receiving my order I've decided I would like to return it, how can I return items?
If you change your mind about an order or part of an order, you can choose to return any items you no longer want. You will only be refunded for the item, not the delivery fees paid in the order because those would have been already paid to the postal or courier service.
How many days do I have to decide?
You must return items from your order within 14 days of receiving them.
Do you cover return costs for items I no longer want?
Unfortunately we are unable to cover return costs for items you no longer want. We feel that it is possible to get a good enough understanding of said items from the site.
How should I return said item(s)?
If you would still like to return your item, please return it to:
ColdCuts // HotWax
Coldharbour Studios
26 - 34 Southwell Road
United Kingdom
IMPORTANT: Please include a note of your order number and reason for the return inside the parcel. This will help us process your refund faster. If you do not take this step, it will take us longer to process your refund.
Read more about your consumer rights here.
Please note that if you checkout using PayPal, we can only offer refunds within 6 months of your order. After this period we can offer store credit.