Wallace - Ripples - Wallace - Ripples - Artists Wallace Genre House, Techno Release Date 14 Apr 2023 Cat No. RS057 Format 12" Vinyl - Rhythm Section INTL - Rhythm Section INTL - Rhythm Section INTL - Wallace - Ripples - Rhythm Section INTL - Rhythm Sectio - Vinyl Record

Wallace - Ripples

LABEL:   Rhythm Section INTL

ARTISTS: Wallace
RELEASE DATE: 2025-04-18
FORMAT: 12" Vinyl
STYLE: House, Techno

Wallace has been something of a behind the scenes phenomenon. Having just two official releases at the time of writing, alongside a few white-labels on his own ‘Tartan’ imprint - The man known as Wallace has somehow worked his way into the record bags of the worlds biggest DJ’s: Gilles Peterson, Hunee, Moxie, Ruf Dug, Gideon and beyond.

It’s only a matter of time before the wider dance music community catches on - and I wouldn’t be surprised if - by the time this record hits the shelves - WALLACE- MANIA is in full effect. An artist like this only comes along once in a blue moon.

Wallace has been quietly perfecting his craft for the last decade, and has a deep understanding of club dynamics that can’t be taught. Bradley Zero himself has been playing 4/5 Wallace tracks per set within
the last year alone! Luckily for you, the secret is out, and we, for one - cannot wait!

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