Lay-Far - The Trinity EP - Lay-Far - The Trinity EP - Artists Lay-Far Genre House, Deep House, Nu-Disco, Future Jazz Release Date 1 Jan 2020 Cat No. RNTR031 Format 12" Yellow Vinyl - Razor-N-Tape Reserve - Razor-N-Tape Reserve - Razor-N-Tape Reserve - Lay - Vinyl Record

Lay-Far - The Trinity EP

LABEL:   Razor-N-Tape Reserve

RELEASE DATE: 2020-01-01
FORMAT: 12" Yellow Vinyl
STYLE: House, Deep House, Nu-Disco, Future Jazz

Producer extraordinaire Lay-Far joins the RNT roster with The Trinity EP, a 4-tracker showcasing his distinctive analog and beat-driven sound. The record opens with the lush ‘Searching for Your Love’, layering jazzy electric piano and a haunting melancholic vocal over a driving broken groove. Slowing down briefly for the lowdown and dirty funk of the eponymous track of the record, we’re quickly back in bumping club territory on the bass-heavy pulse of ‘What It Is’, and the classic sample-house sound of ‘You Can’t Stop The Profit’ takes the EP home. A beautifully crafted, and truly unique 12” from beginning to end!

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