Liquid Earth - The Electronic Brain
LABEL: Liquid Earth PhysicalThe first in series of self-released Liquid Earth Physical releases, “The Electronic Brain” is a nose dive into Junkyard Synthesis.
From EP Title opener and the three tracks to follow, you’ll find part '80s sleaze, part '90s deepness and part '00s wiggle wrapped into one package.
A2 track "Vector Boy and The Horse With Three Legs” is as cooked as the title given. A twisted ride on a budget carnival right, steered forward by driving percussion and a mid-break bubbly synth line.
“Bubble Pop,” an ode to the 1986 arcade game, is a straight shooter. An early morning tune that pirouettes nicely through a sunrise set. Record closer, “Stingray Shuffle,” ties the release together with its juggled arpeggios and organically grown drum work.
The Electronic Brain makes dance music cocktails that pop like a twist of lime hitting seltzer. Melodic, crisp, and refreshing.