Malugi - Stay The Night - Artists Malugi Genre Electro, Techno Release Date 14 January 2022 Cat No. SNC006 Format 12" Vinyl - SNC RECS - SNC RECS - SNC RECS - Malugi - Stay The Night - SNC RECS - SNC RECS - Vinyl Record

Malugi - Stay The Night


RELEASE DATE: 2022-01-14
FORMAT: 12" Vinyl
STYLE: Electro, Techno

After what feels like an eternity, we can finally reclaim our dance floors. Get ready to dust off your dancing shoes, and don't worry, Malugi will provide you with just the right tools to come back with a bang.

Not a newcomer to the dance music scene, with his own event series Club Heart Broken, Malugi is stepping up to begin releasing some of his own productions. On his new EP 'Stay The Night' Malugi mixes several genres, crossing boundaries from pumpy House all the way through to pulsing Techno and rough Electro, with a Pop sensitivity, that he is best known for.

The sixth release from SNC Recs is sure to make you want to stay the night and it’s more than safe to say that Malugi's energy will make any dance floor shake.

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