Taeko Ohnuki - Mignonne - Artists Taeko Ohnuki Genre City Pop, Boogie, Reissue Release Date 26 May 2023 Cat No. MHJL-00021 Format 12" Red Vinyl - Great Tracks / Sony Japan - Great Tracks / Sony Japan - Great Tracks / Sony Japan - Taeko Ohnuki - Mignonne - - Vinyl Record

Taeko Ohnuki - Mignonne

LABEL:   Great Tracks / Sony Japan

ARTISTS: Taeko Ohnuki
RELEASE DATE: 2023-08-25
FORMAT: 12" Red Vinyl
STYLE: City Pop, Boogie, Reissue

“Mignonne” is Taeko Onuki’s 3rd album released in 1978, which was the follow-up to her masterpiece “Sun Shower”(1977). Her long time collaborators from Tin Pan Alley continued to collaborate with her for this album. Arranged by Ryuichi Sakamoto and Juzo Seo, and featured musicians such as Haruomi Hosono, Shigeru Suzuki, and Yukihiro Takahashi. The sound is similar to her previous albums, with rich horns and strings arranged on top of Tin Pan Alley’s soulful rhythmic sections. The tracks have seen a resurgence of late, some of which being covered by contemporary Japanese artists ( “Yoko Gao”, “Umi to Shonen” by Akiko Yano, “Totsuzen no Okurimono” by Mariya Takeuchi).

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