The Jungle Brothers - Straight Out The Jungle - The Jungle Brothers - Straight Out The Jungle - Artists The Jungle Brothers Genre Hip Hop, Reissue Release Date 1 Jan 2021 Cat No. WAR035P Format 7" Vinyl - Idlers - Idlers - Idlers - The Jungle Brothers - S - Vinyl Record

The Jungle Brothers - Straight Out The Jungle

LABEL:   Idlers

ARTISTS: The Jungle Brothers
RELEASE DATE: 2021-01-01
FORMAT: 7" Vinyl
STYLE: Hip Hop, Reissue

Following on from last years successful RSD 7 Inch, Idlers are proud to release the title track from the JBs 1988 debut album 'Straight Out The Jungle' that has never had a full release on 45 before. Backed with the more relevant than ever 'Black is Black'. More golden era hip hop on 7! With a Picture sleeve.

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