Wojciech Bąkowski - Voyager - Artists Wojciech Bąkowski Genre Hip-Hop, Polish, Spoken Word Release Date 1 Jan 2021 Cat No. TMPL007 Format 12" Vinyl - Temple - Temple - Temple - Wojciech Bakowski - Voyager - Temple - Temple - Vinyl Record

Wojciech Bakowski - Voyager

LABEL:   Temple

ARTISTS: Wojciech Bąkowski
RELEASE DATE: 2021-01-01
FORMAT: 12" Vinyl
STYLE: Hip-Hop, Polish, Spoken Word

Temple is proud to present a new full-length album from Polish musician and visual artist Wojciech Bakowski.

Following up on his more experimental-leaning album Jazz Duo on Dunno Recordings, Voyager is an intimate record in the artist’s signature spoken-word style, loosely touching on stripped-down hip hop, RnB, dub, and pop.

TMPL007All records come with a booklet of the artist’s drawings and song lyrics in Polish and English.

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