Slacker presents his debut LP on Lobster Theremin, out July 2nd. Today we premiere the B1 'One Hundred Ideas' - a banger from start to finish.
“The main idea was to think 'what would an outside observer to our planet think when looking down at this moment in time, what does the moon think when looking down on us?'” he says. “It was a way of me both building another world whilst also expressing the strife of the world that we were living in. I was lucky enough to be quite secluded in the first lockdown around a lot of nature, but then feeling the isolation ten-fold as I was so far away from civilisation. I think that the album has this schism represented in it with the more classically "nice" tracks standing next to the more aggressive and expressive tracks; it is both an escape and capturing of the world we live in.”
HOTWAX // Slacker - One Hundred Ideas
Posted by Kira Radley on