Artists T-Connection, Dr Packer Style Disco, Remix Release Date 28 Jun 2024 Cat No. MS 527 Format 12" Vinyl - High Fashion Music - Vinyl Record

T-Connection - At Midnight (Dr. Packer Remixes)

LABEL:   High Fashion Music

ARTISTS: T-Connection, Dr Packer
RELEASE DATE: 2024-07-12
FORMAT: 12" Vinyl
STYLE: Disco, Remix

Aussie Dr Packer has remixed T- Connection – At Midnight on High Fashion Music. And with his name on the sleeve, for sure you know you have something great in your hands! He skilfully undertakes the task of capturing and updating the distinctive Bahamas-Miami T.K. Disco sound, infusing it with his own flair and sass. Seamlessly blending nostalgia with contemporary elements and revitalising a classic disco vibe. Dr. Packer manages to retain the uplifting and energetic brilliance of the original. A refreshing take on a classic sound that solidifies its place as a standout in the rich tapestry of disco history.

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